I did not come to the aid of any fellow half-marathoners today. There were more walkers than I have ever experienced in a race, comparable only to the 3-day. It was nice to be in a group, and for once, have thousands still behind me. At some point, I decided that time was not an issue today, and just continued in hopes of finishing.
So what's the lesson for today? Maybe to keep going even though it seems like a goofy thing to do. Maybe to look at what you're doing and question why. Maybe to develop some commmon sense and use it. Maybe to set realistic expectations and meet them. Maybe to look at your birth certificate and come to grips with your body's age. Maybe to study physics and understand the effects that your weight, age, ability, training, and your physical surroundings have on it. Maybe to once again praise the creation known as the porta-potty.
Maybe, but for me, I think I'll just stick with the lesson of "I Can." I'll tell you more about that tomorrow - now it's time for a good night's sleep in my own bed!
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