Sure, conditions were ideal and it was a race in a place that I love. But I've participated in many 5Ks here. Why was this one different?
Maybe it was because I had a small snack and drink and Extra-Strength Tylenol before the race. Maybe it was because I did my own obscure form of pre-race stretching. Maybe it was because the weather was perfect and the course was flat. Maybe I had on the perfect combination of shoes and socks and hair clips. But maybe it was just me.
I started off the race with the usual cramps and aches and doubts. I thought maybe I could just jog to Mile 1. When I got to that marker, I thought maybe I would just jog to the stop sign. But when I got there, I decided to jog a little more and was soon at Mile 2. At that point, I decided to go for the whole thing. Another half mile yielded a Disney "hill", but I joggity-jogged up it. After that, it was nothing to keep going until the Harlem Globetrotters and the Miami Dolphin Cheerleaders welcomed me to the finish line.
There's no rhyme or reason for my performance in today's race. There was no personal best time or award for my age group. But I achieved a victory because I kept going.
At 51, it's good to know there are still victories to be had and possibilities to be explored. I just hope I remember how I arranged those hair clips!
Yea!!! Good for you. I remember the first 5K I was able to run the full distance. It's an amazing feeling, and I'm glad you got to experience it today. See you at the end of the week for more wogging festivities. :)
You go, Girl!! :-)
Congrats! I'm proud of you!
We have 3-4 inches of snow today!
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