I certainly didn't expect a good finish time - I think you have to train to do that. But I figured even if I had to walk the whole thing (I didn't), it would be better than not doing it at all. So I did. It was pretty cold, as were the post-race black-eyed peas, but I did it.

So - one thing I'll do in 2010 is log my miles.
Another decision is to curtail the use of my credit card. Instead, I'll use my debit card. Hopefully this will end my credit card shock every month, save me money (when I watch it trickle out of my checking account), and keep my "doo-dad and stuff" accumulation to a minimum of only "what do I need now?"
What else in 2010?
Well, I'm going to be a grandmother. How the heck is this going to play out? The only grandmothers I know a lot about were my own and those of my children. And they were really OLD. This grandmother thing should really be a ride - and I can't wait.
It would really be great if 2010 was THE year that I (a) finally got the food/eating thing under control, (b) became truly committed to exercise, fitness, and training, and (c) as a result, lost a bunch of weight and KEPT IT OFF. Hey, 2010 seems as good a year as any
Maybe not go to Disney as much in 2010. According to my 2009 calendar, I spent a total of 75 days in and about Walt Disney World. And a few more days in Disneyland in California. So maybe cut it in half? Whatever. I'm leaving on Wednesday to go again, so we'll just have to ponder this one.
Get rid of more stuff. In 2009 I unloaded 1200 things. But there's still a lot more that needs to be cleaned out.
I guess this is enough to start. Maybe by this time next year, I'll be slim and trim and actually jogging mile after mile. Maybe I'll be living in a clutter-free zone. Maybe I'll be taking Lindley to Disney World (which technically will not count on MY Disney day count). Maybe next year there will be a whole host of things to report.
2010 looks like a pretty good year!
Things that make today great: Resolution Run with Sam and Snowflake lady; taking hot chocolate with Steve and Maribeth and Mathieu as they waited for the REI sale; lunch with Sam, Lynnette, Mathieu, and Maribeth at Cheesecake Factory
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