Lindley's day care is closed on Tuesdays. Not sure why they pick Tuesday instead of Friday or Monday (think LONG weekend) to shuck the kids, but they do. It gives me the opportunity to keep Lindley all day. Just thought I'd give you a brief idea of what our day is like:
Usually I sweat through an hour of butt camp, come home and drink my chocolate milk (the thing you should have after you work out), shower, and make a Starbucks run for me/Sam/Lynnette before I pick up Lindley at her house (yes, on Tuesdays I run bus service in the morning). I had planned to do that today, however ...
Everything was going according to plan. I had sweated and attempted and modified my way through butt camp. I had showered and chocolate milked and breakfasted and was on the road to Starbucks, which frankly, Granny Lu needed this morning.
I was on the interstate when I got a call from Steve saying he had turned around on his way to work because his tire showed a low reading, and when would I be home so he could take my car to work? So I called Sam, told him the story, and arranged for a Lindley handoff - sort of like passing the baton in a race. Two minutes later, Steve calls and said his meeting wasn't until 9 so there was no rush, which any wife knows means there really is. I pulled up to Sam and Lynnette's, sirens a'blazin', went in and collected Lindley, and headed for home. Please notice there was no Starbucks stop - Granny needed a Buckys but PawPaw needed to get to work, so off we went. Of course, two minutes later, Steve called and said he decided to go to work with the low tire anyway. Figures.
Now I am met with an ethical dilemma. Okay, so maybe not so much ethical. Should I call Sam and Lynnette and tell them I am going to Starbucks and will bring them their usual Tuesday treat? I decide against it, instead going to a different Starbucks (didn't want them to catch me at the usual one and feel sad). One Grande Mocha Frappachino Light later, we arrive at home.
The rest of the morning was fun (since I am posting at noonish, you'll have to imagine the rest of the day). Rather then use 1000 words to describe our morning, I though I'd post pictures instead:
First, Maggie taught gym class:
Next Maggie made sure everyone was ready for nap time:

Next was nap time - for just about everyone. (Kat - The quilt was a hit in today's babysitter's club!)
After naptime, it was time for Hygiene Class:
Finally, it was lunch time. Maggie, or course, decided to join the fun. First Maggie noticed Lindley, then Lindley noticed Maggie, and there was a little Lindley-Maggie bonding. At least for Lindley!
Now it's time for some whatever until our afternoon nap. I'm not sure what the afternoon will bring, but if Maggie's noticed the two poopy diapers in the trash can, I have a feeling she might be pushing some litter box training!!
Things that make today great: surviving boot camp; Lindley and Maggie's adventures in babysitting
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