I also gassed up the car, picked up Lindley from day care and gassed her up, and took Sonic to Sam and Lynnette for dinner and gassed them up.
I took Sam to the airport for a trip to Chicago and will go back tomorrow night to pick him up. I switched cars with Molly so I can take her Prius in for an oil change tomorrow.
I balanced the checkbook so I could pay the rest of September's bills and get started on October's bills. I went to butt camp and tried to work off last night's ill-chosen dinner. I took a shower, hoping the tree butcher couldn't see through the hazy window film on the bathroom window (and if he could, it serves him right!). I viewed my lovely portrait from the 5K on Saturday and ordered a copy (since when does it cost so dang much to mail a simple 5x7 print?).
I emptied the dishwasher and filled it right back up. Ditto for the washing machine and dryer. I also finished a Sudoku and managed to get home to watch part of "Dancing with the Stars."
In other words, just another typical Monday. On to Tuesday!
Today's blessings: butt camp boot-ies; tree dudes; picking up Lindley and her care givers; getting all the above accomplished
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