Anyhoo, Molly soon arrived bringing Sonic drinks, and the garage sale was in full swing. Since I hate garage sales (and since Molly was keeping all the proceeds), I spent most of the morning inside. I left the house at 8:00, headed to go walk with my fellow butt campers with whom I'm going to do the Country Music Marathon. Our plan was to walk 4 miles, then attend the Saturday free butt camp put on by our leader, Josh. Yes, you read correctly - FOUR MILES AND THEN AN HOUR OF BUTT CAMP WORKING OUT. We may be fine specimens of female prowess and athletic-ness (well, some of us, anyway), but sometimes all that physical exertion thwarts our thinking process.
We did our four miles, managing a little sweat along the way. We finished in time to start butt camp with the other ladies, and proceeded to run, side shuffle, jump rope, lift weights, crunch, sit-up, push-up, and other assorted activities which involved more profuse sweating. We finished the session by running (theoretically) up a hill and down and back up. Soon I was headed back home.
The garage sale was still in progress. Molly's friend (a very effective garage sale saleswoman) had set up shop and customers were busy looking and picking and haggling and buying. It was too intense for me, so I decided to go warm the couch and rest my eyes. I managed to get up in time to get chicken taco salads for us and surf the Internet. Miraculously, soon the time came that Molly called the garage sale over.
Now it was time to load up all the crap and box it up for Goodwill, or so I thought. Instead we loaded it in the car to unload at Molly's house for a future garage sale. The boxes were a bit dingy, so soon my pristine white t-shirt was pretty dingy itself. The boxes were delivered to Molly's house, just in time to get a call from Sam requesting the red chairs that did not sell in the garage sale, that he brought over last week because they did not want them, but they did now. We also were to bring over the recliner that they already had the match for.
We took the chairs over and reloaded the car with the chairs they didn't want, along with some recycling and laundry (their dryer isn't hooked up yet). By this time (and that time would be 7 pm), I was a pretty sight. My hair was last brushed at 6 am, my shirt was sweaty and dingy, and I still had on my workout capris. I had removed my running shoes and had on my Disney crocs. My entire body was coated with various layers of sweat. I had taken out my contact lens and was wearing my glasses. In other words, I was lovely.
Most people would be ready for a shower, and I certainly had that on my to-do list. But Steve was hankering for some french toast, and suggested we go to Cracker Barrell. So we did, Steve and the homeless lady that he brought to dinner.
The good news is that I saw no one I knew at Cracker Barrel. I can only hope that no one I knew saw me!!
Today's blessings: Molly's garage sale and the characters who came; four miles with Karen, Karen, Gloria, and Sharon; taco salad for lunch; clearing out the garage sale; Cracker Barrel with Steve
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