Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring!!

Yes, today is the first day of spring. And yes, once again I have gotten behind. Welcome to my world!

But there's an advantage to Spring beginning on a Monday - it seems like a day to get things going and starting over and getting caught up. Again.

So, here's my plan. Because I'm good at making plans - not so great at following through. But a plan's a good place to start - right?

So here's my plan/hope/wish list for this first week of spring ...

1. Clean/declutter one room a day. I'm tired already ...

2. Catch up at least my most current backlog of blogging. Maybe even catch up from a long time ago backlog of blogging. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?

3. Get my butt in gear and get out the door and do some sort of physical activity. Ewww.

4. Plan a weekly menu that involves actual decent healthy food. Okay, so now I be talking cray-cray.

Anyhoo, that's my list. Maybe the spring air has already gotten to me ...
Blessings today include: seeing Lindley, Everley, Emmatha and their moms off to the airport for their NYC trip; getting caught up on blogs from March 4-19; making future ressies for Princess weekend

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