Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year

Today begins the year 2012.  The first day of a new year is always a good day to start over, to do better, to change one's life.  It's a day to set goals, make resolutions, and form a vision of your life for the next 12 months.

But what happens if tomorrow (or even this afternoon) you flubbed up on one of those goals.  What if you blew apart that resolution, or decided your goal was too lofty, or concluded that your vision for your life was ridiculous and too hard to achieve?

As for me, I've been there and done that.  That ton of weight I was going to lose quickly got delayed by the chocolate oatmeal cookies I made.  That exercise routine I was going to implement quickly evaporated because my mind was so much more powerful than my desire.  So all I am left is the one question - am I going to be able to do anything that I had hoped to do in 2012?

I have to believe the answer is yes.  I have to believe that if I keep trying and believing, that the changes I desire will happen.  I have to take every hope just one second at a time, because that's the only second that I can deal with.  And if one second sends me down the wrong path there are 59 other seconds in a minute to turn it around.  And there are 59 other minutes in an hour, and there are 24 of those in a day, and this year I have 366 of those.

Maybe 2012 will be my year.  All I can do is try.
Today's blessings:  Lindley time at her house and at our house; passion lemonade and dinner delivered by Steve and Maribeth

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