Thursday, April 2, 2015

And Then She Turned 3

Somewhere along the way, this little munchkin turned 3. It's amazing how quickly time passes, especially when you have a little one around. Things like learning to walk and talk, developing a personality, giving up pacis and diapers, all of which are very important, tend to be forgotten as new things happen every day. So maybe that's how we all should be - making strides and moving forward, and learning and growing every day. We shouldn't rest on what we've done, but find new things to experience and accomplish every day. Because after all, whether we're three or 103, if God has given us a new day on this Earth, there's always something new to learn and do every day. Happy Birthday Everley!
Today is a gift because: Everley's birthday; taking Everley and Lindley to school; Mathieu's safe ride home on the tiny plane

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