Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Once Upon A Time ...

There was a little old lady. Who wrote a blog. Every single day. Well, at least most of the time. Sometimes she got too busy. Sometimes she forgot. Sometimes she got too lazy. Sometimes she just forgot. And so sometimes days went by before she wrote her blog.

It wasn't that she didn't know she didn't write her blog. I mean, she wasn't under any kind of undue influence (unless you count busy and lazy as undue influences). It was just for that day, writing and blogging just weren't simpatico.

And it wouldn't have been so bad, except sometimes the days strung together, one after the other, until the little old lady looked at the calendar and fully realized how many days had passed. She was shocked - not only because of all the days that had not been blogged, but also because of all the poundage that she had not lost. It seems that time has a lot of situations to answer for.

The good news is that the little old lady was very determined to catch up. With blogging, anyway. The poundage thing would have to be addressed later. Sometimes in an effort to catch up, the little old lady would search for cute videos - if she didn't have any of her grandchildren. She would also develop opinions - which she would probably change the next day. She would also write lists of excuses - until she ran out of those.

Anyhow, the moral of the story is that it ain't over until the fat lady sings. Although, with this little old lady, if she doesn't start working on that poundage, she may start warbling one day!!
Today is a gift because: picking up Everley at school; accomplishing a task or two

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