Thursday, May 7, 2015

Why Hello Bessie!!

As promised, butt-crack-early arrived this morning, much to my delight (well, not so much). I picked up Molly at 4:45am and we headed to the airport. We managed to get to our gate just in time to line up (clearly we were not on regular Davidson Travel Time). We boarded the plane and guess what - Bessie and her tip-less wings had finally arrived in Nashville!! Apparently she got her radios fixed and she was ready to take us to Denver enroute to Disneyland! You can only imagine how absolutely thrilled I was!!

Nevertheless, Bessie got us to Denver. It was a bit lumpy ride, but I managed to read all my magazines. We had enough time to get some breakfast before boarding our next Southwest fully-wing-tipped flight to Orange County. The best thing about that flight (other than landing in Orange County) was the scenery along the way. First snow covered mountains then not-so-snow covered mountains. Soon we landed and were in our Super Shuttle ride to our hotel.

Our room was ready so we were able to dump our bags, head to the expo where we met up with Katie and Nancy, and get our race stuff. After that it was time for lunch and a nap! Welcome to Disneyland!!
Today is a gift because: Bessie getting us to Denver and another plane getting us to Orange County; no wait for our Super Shuttle; room being ready upon arrival; expo and shoe fun; too much to eat at Tortilla Joe's; meeting up with Nancy and Katie; getting to bed early!

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