Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Table Project

Lynnette decided they needed a new dining table. She had a vision for what she wanted and she procured said table from Craig's List. Her vision was a white table and so started the process of liquid sander, paper sander, paint, repaint, varnish, and varnish some more. Of course, along the way, she had a spectators. Who became helpers. Meanwhile, I was inside, just in case I needed to go get supplies. Like Sonic.

First one needs to fuel up ...

Then one needs to watch the master at work.
And ask a lot of questions.
Like, "When is it my turn to paint?"

And then, once our painting clothes were on, it WAS our turn!
And we did quite well!!
Thankful today for: Brunch with Molly, Katie, and Everley after their hike; Lindley and Everley time; watching Lynnette paint her table; Molly coming over to help move table; sending Lynnette, Maribeth, Everley, and Lindley off to the drive-in; talking to Lindley (who remembers none of the conversation) when she got back at midnight from the drive-in

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