Monday, February 9, 2015

Oh, Why Not?

A couple of weeks ago, I joined Weight Watchers. Again. I'm not sure number joining this makes, but I'm hoping it really takes this time. Again. I've been on a lot of diets - some successful and some not. But by far, the best "plan" that actually worked and made sense for me, was/is Weight Watchers. It's been successful a few times (but did not cure me, so I gained the weight back) and it's been unsuccessful a few times (again, since it did not cure me, it certainly didn't work when I joined it and did little else).

Anyhow, here's hoping it works this time. I need a plan to stick with for the rest of my life - a way of eating that makes sense with what is on a plate before me.

So here I go again. Here's hoping for change (but not a cure!).

Today is a gift because: Taking and picking up Everley at school and seeing NetNet at pickup; nice shelving dude at Home Depot; installing shelves in laundry room

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Just so you know, I am currently on month 14 at WW. Lost 15 last year but have been "maintaining" since about October. No where near my "goal" but still giving it a go.