Saturday, February 7, 2015

Saturday At LaLa's

This morning started early, since I was due at Maribeth's for early Everley duty (Maribeth had to go to work early and it is Mathieu's National Guard weekend). However, Everley decided to wake up and wanted to return to my house before Mathieu left the house. So we headed back to the house for some breakfast and whatever else the day held.

Matheiu mentioned that Everley had gotten to sleep late last night, This became evident when she fell asleep before lunch. David is still in town and they played upstairs for a bit (thank goodness for grown-up cousins who will play with little cousins!) before Everley passed out. David went out for lunch with his friends, Everley snoozed, and Molly and I made some travel plans for upcoming trips (which gets confusing when you're looking for flights to and from the incorrect cities that you are planning to visit).

Anyhow, eventually Everley woke up and reminded me that I had promised she could help make cupcakes. Which I probably did, but who knows when I did. Luckily Molly had not left, so she and Everley worked together to make the cupcakes. Even though Molly hates to cook in my kitchen, possibly because (a) I work on the premise that the fewer ingredients I have on hand, the better, and (b) I rarely have the utensils she requests. In this case, my measuring cups were in the bathroom (they make excellent toys for bathing small children), but I did actually have a lever-type ice cream scoop, which apparently is the best way to put cupcake batter into the cups (who knew - certainly not me!).

The cupcakes got made and everybody got a taste (and hopefully someone will take the leftovers away from my house and my mouth).  All in all, it's been an excellent day!!
Today is a gift because: Lindley and Everley time; chili in the crock pot; family time; beautiful day outside; getting packages mailed; travel plans made with Molly; visiting with Cheryl and Granny

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