Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ya Gotta Start Sometime

Yesterday was National Running Day. Many people ran yesterday - I wasn't one of them. After only a few hours sleep the night before, spending 10 or so hours in the car, unpacking, and eating dinner, I could barely keep my eyes open, much less put one foot in front of the other.

So, I decided to start today. I spent the morning catching up on sleep and making up excuses as to why I wasn't outside doing my National Running Day jog. Finally around noon, I decided enough was enough, got dressed, and went outside. My plan was to jog, but once outside, I decided it was too hot. Florida in June can be that way. Instead, I walked around the resort complex. I don't know exactly how far it was, but it was a start.

I've started and restarted so many times already this year, that it probably seems silly to even think that today's amble could be the beginning of anything. But I'm hoping it is. All I can do is try. Again.

So maybe I participated in National Running Day a day late. But maybe I didn't. Because maybe when you do something that will hopefully change your life, it's never too late. Maybe once you begin, it's exactly the right time.
Today's blessings: Morning naps; walking around the resort; tuna sandwich lunch; pool people; outlet mall and 5 Guys with Steve; telephone chat with Molly and Marilyn; new suitcase

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