Monday, March 16, 2015

Hackity Hack Hack

So today I spent most of my time coughing. And coughing. Welcome to Day One of my cruise-caught cold. It always starts the same - my lungs feel like rubber bands are wrapped around them and I have to cough every other moment in an effort to get the rubber bands off. Sometimes it's rather violent, and I do expect some body part to come flying out. And no, I do not have a fever - just a tight cough that must be hacked out.

The next step if to decide which meds to take - to loosen and lessen or to dry up and expectorate? A combo of both? A four-hour dose or the big 12-hour dose? And if I take the four hour one, will I remember that I took it or will I think I did the 12-hour? And how will I know which works best? Should I be keeping a diary?

The lovely part is that this just will lead to the next phase - the dripping phase. This is when my nose apparently grows a spigot that cannot be turned off and the best thing to do is stuff Kleenex up it. Because I will be carrying around a huge box of Kleenex to handle the atomic-size sneezing that will commence.

I'm hoping that I will be over this by the time the flowers and trees start blooming. And pollen starts flowing. Because then it will start all over again.

I just love Spring!
Today is a gift because: I have a nice bed to burrow in with meds and drinks and a television to watch while I burrow

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