Monday, March 2, 2015

Time To Count The Underwear

In other words, it's time to pack. Which I probably won't do today, but I do enjoy talking about it. And of course the easiest thing to pack is underwear, because all you have to do is count it. In other words, how many days will I be gone? Super, count that many days worth (plus maybe one extra) and there you have it. I have this fantasy that once the underwear is in the suitcase, then all the other clothes will magically assembles themselves in there too. Unfortunately, the only thing that will assemble in there will be Maggie the Cat.

So, instead of doing something constructive for this upcoming trip, I think I shall do something else. Because the trip is still several days away. And I have to go babysit the HVAC dude at Maribeth's. And I need to get the top layer of clutter and dirt cleared away so the cleaning dude can see the deeper layers of clutter and dirt.

And besides, I need to do laundry. How can I count underwear if I don't have any clean underwear?
Today is a gift because: taking and picking up Everley at school; talking with Sam; chatting with cleaning dude (yep, dude); nice lady at repair office; last minute cruise changes; phone chats with Marilyn and Anne

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