Even when you don't have a paid job to go to during the week, there's something special about Fridays. Maybe it's because you know how happy working people must be about today. Maybe it's because you remember how happy you used to be when you were working and it was Friday. Maybe it's because Friday nights is the night you splurge on eating things like guacamole burgers and chocolate/chocolate dipped ice cream cones. Maybe it's because you know that butt camp doesn't meet on Saturdays. Maybe it's because tomorrow you can sleep in with no guilt. Everything just seems a little happier.
Then you remember that you signed up for a bleepin' jogging training group and tomorrow you have to be at the meeting place at 7am to do your group jog of four miles. Suddenly Friday sucks and you look at the forecast, hoping for a monsoon to come in overnight. Finally you decide to rename today for what it is - FAT CHANCE FRIDAY!
Today's blessings: Friday butt camp with Karen, Molly/Maribeth/Steve coordinating delivery of pop-up bed; Disney discussion with Mary Beth and Matt; afternoon visit from Maribeth, Lindley, and Lynnette; Bobbie's Dairy Dip dinner; safe arrival of David and friend
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