Saturday, July 30, 2011


After last night's fun escapade, today seemed rather lackluster. Of course, it could have been the residual brain fog. Or it could have been my body taking advantage to catch up on sleep from this week's insomnia nights. Whatever the reason, to recover, I did the following things - in no certain order.

1. Sat on the couch.
2. Ate
3. Lay down on the couch
4. Ate some more
5. Slept on the couch
6. Ate breakfast
7. Changed out of pjs (even though I barely remember putting them on)
8. Had a snack
9. Watched tv on the couch and took a nap
10. Had lunch
11. Read email. Exhausted, took another nap
12 Took a shower, washed hair, and put on clean clothes (since I think the ones I had on had been taken off the floor)
13. Ate dinner
14. Watched HBO movie, taking a snoozer in the middle of the movie
15. Wrote mandatory blog post.

Now it is time to go to bed and put this whole vertigo thing away, hopefully to never return. The vertigo thing, that is.
Today's blessings: Steve and Molly getting chicken minis at Chic Fil A; Molly bringing lunch; Steve grilling hot dogs for dinner; head returning to normal

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