Friday, August 28, 2009


I am at Walt Disney World on vacation. I'm sure some may wonder, "Vacation from what?" That's another story. Today is about vacation, because tomorrow I go back home.

For some, vacation means packing activity into every second that you're away - on vacation. Been there, done that.

For some, vacation means making sure you get every penny's worth out of your vacation dollar. I've tried that, only to discover that sometimes I was so busy trying to save a penny, I missed out on fun. So, I decided to spend the money and enjoy myself. Which makes Visa very happy.

For some, vacation involves doing nothing that you do at home - watch TV, go to the movies, etc. I once believed that, too, was sacrilege. But it dawned on me that I don't do it at home without the thought of what I should be doing, so why would I deny myself doing it on vacation, guilt free?

Here at Disney World, you see all kinds of vacation. You see the tired, weary, and now-poor. But you also see those who are having the time of their lives - just because their main focus was having fun - no matter how it looks.

So that's what I did on this vacation. I lazed around. I worked out - one day. I watched TV. I went to the movies. I went to the parks here and there. But most of all, I escaped and took it easy, which in the end, is what vacation should be all about.

Gifts that made today special: Animal Kingdom, comments about my shoes

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