Saturday, August 25, 2012


Did you hear it?  That huge thud as I feel off the Weight Watcher Wagon?  I still managed to hang on to the wagon by my fingernails, but I definitely strayed from the path.  In other words, I managed to eat over my daily point allowance - as I have done several days this week (that's what you get when people give you cake and you tell yourself that you should eat it to be nice and then you eat pizza because you haven't had it in awhile and think that gives you a reason to eat a piece . . . or two).

Falling off the wagon, while a bit discouraging, is not the end of my weight loss world.  I have to remember that thought and not give up the whole plan.  I have to pick myself up, get back on the wagon, and ride on.  I have to admit defeat, make changes (like NOT eat the cake and/or pizza), and forge ahead.

Sometimes we fall down and don't want to get up and keep going, especially those times when it seems so hard because we have to start over.   But if we do, if we pick up the pieces and put it all back together, maybe we will find that our "put-back-together" self is stronger.  Maybe by realizing where and why we fell, we resolve not to let it happen again.  

At least that's my theory for today.  Bring on the cake - I'm ready to just say no!
The Good Stuff from Today:  5 early miles with Sharon; shopping for stuff; Everley time; more birthday cards; den painted first coat

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