Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good Moments

There are moments that happen in life, when for a split second, everything seems good. Right now is that sixty-second moment. Steve, Maribeth, and Molly are downstairs playing scrabble with each other on their computers. I'm upstairs in my office watching the Westminster Dog Show, which I love, even though I don't have a dog. I am planning to do a half marathon on Sunday, but aren't concerned even though I haven't wogged since Saturday when I fell, continuing to Monday when I whacked my thigh with a Curves machine, creating a huge lump and resulting bruise. I didn't wog today due to rainy cold weather, electing instead to clean the house, the results of which made me happy.

Moments like these come and go quickly, but they're absolutely heavenly when you stop and breathe in the contentment.

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