Monday, April 6, 2015


I love bald eagles. I think they're beautiful and I'm always thrilled when I see one in person, out doing its thing, just flying around. But lately I've been obsessed with the live feed from Pennsylvania, showing a eagle and her two eggs, which have hatched. I have to tune in every day (okay, so several times a day) to see what they're up to. Sometimes the dad and mom are both there, sometimes only one is there (not sure which one), and lately sometimes the kids are left alone (I'm sure not for too long).

It's always interesting (to me, anyway) to see the dead fish (and other formerly living things) that are strewn around the nest. Sometimes the mom will eat some, and sometimes she yanks and pulls it (I know, it's sorta gross) and feeds it to her babies. I'm never watching when one of the parent eagles brings new food to the nest (even I have to stop watching and go attempt to do other stuff). Anyhow, if you haven't watched it live, do so here. And just to give you a little taste, here's a little snapshot (hopefully it will load correctly).

Today is a gift because: taking Everley to school; taking care of future travel plans

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