Saturday, October 24, 2009

Woo Hoo! We're At Disney!!

Dear Next Door Resort Guest:

Yes, I too am excited to be at Disney World. So excited, that I stayed up a little later last night, probably getting to bed around midnight. I was ready to settle into my comfy bed to dream sweet dreams about Mickey and the gang. That is, until you and your family returned to the resort.

Obviously you were at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. I know that everything else in the World was long-past closed by the time you returned, so that's the only reason I can surmise for your arrival with your band of children.

How do I know you had children? Mainly by the running, banging, and happy shrieks that came from your room. How do I know that you were at the Halloween Party? Because I know a child's sugar rush when I see it. Or hear it, in your case.

I'm not sure what it looked like on your side of our wall, but it certainly sounded exciting on our side. There was running and shoving and pushing and bouncing against the wall. At one point, I thought if I heard, "Incoming!!!" one more time, I was going to introduce my own form of "incoming" to your family. Obviously all the children (and there had to have been millions) were having a good time. How do I know? Because of all the shrieks of laughter from all those little voice boxes.

Of course, you tried to trick me. I would hear a muffled adult voice, and things would get quiet. The muscles in my neck would relax, and I would start drifting off. Just about the time Mickey opened the door to my dreams, one word shattered those hopes - "INCOMING!!" Immediately the cacophony began anew.

Eventually, your family did manage to calm it down for the night. Either that or my old body simply went unconscious. Either way, at some point, I believe we all got a few hours sleep. When I woke up at my early old-lady time this morning, I was tempted to make AARP noises for the benefit of your family. But I didn't. After all, there's only one thing worse than a over-sugared, over-exuberant, over-crazed child at 1 am. What is it? An sugar-crashed, under-slept, awakened-early child at 6:30 am. I wouldn't want that for anybody who's here to share time with the Mouse.

So, I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation. As for me, I'll be coming in tonight after midnight after I finish a 13K. If you're asleep, I'll let you know I'm home by one word - "INCOMING!!"
Things that make today great: New crocs; sunning and eating by the pool with Steve; beautiful weather; cast members at store and libations; cat talk in the hot tub

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