Monday, August 9, 2010

She Also Serves Who Plods Along!

Today was the first day of another session of boot camp. I have been at this a year, and by all accounts should be participating in Ms. America Bodybuilding contests - that is, if I had really put my mind to it. Instead, I've been putting my mouth to it, or rather putting stuff in it. As a result, I am still at the "out of shape" status. I am ever hopeful that during one of these session, everything will kick in and I will get my physical self together. Hope springs eternal.

Anyhow, because today is the first day, there are many new butt-campers. Josh requests that they stay at the front of the class during certain exercises so that he can make sure they are executing the exercise correctly. (In contrast, he tries to avoid me, since I am either breathing so hard he has to contemplate calling 911, or I am modifying the exercise so weirdly that he can't even begin to offer advice, or I am laying on the floor trying to find a heartbeat).

One of the things that the newbies have to learn is our alternate torture chamber - the tennis courts - where we work out on some mornings. Today Josh asked me to take the newbies and jog them down to the tennis courts so they would know where to go when we take it outside. So, off I go, thud, thud, thud, with the novices behind me. For a moment, I felt in shape. For a moment, I felt like a leader. And maybe I was.

Even in boot camp, where I am lapped or passed by those more fit, it's good to know I can have a responsibility. Most of the time that responsibility is showing the other ladies that they're not the most out of shape, or that they can't do it. If I can lift that weight or heave my upper body into a quasi-crunch, then they can. But today I led the group. It just goes to show you that you can be the leader, even if you're usually the one at the end!
Things that make today great: Another butt camp begins; strolling two miles with Lindley; BSC; BYB dinner via Steve; chatting with MB; reserving laser tag for wedding weekend; Molly's new windows

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