Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Progress - Sort of ...

Today I actually got the dirty clothes out of suitcase #1 and managed to run them through the laundry. The clean clothes in suitcase #2 are still there, and will need a few bottles of Downy Wrinkle Releaser before they can be returned to the closet/drawers. As for the other assorted paraphernalia associated with my cruise packing, those things may stay in the floor until I have need of them (like the Rolaids Steve needed this morning).

It's not like I've spent the past few days cleaning my house, or planting a garden, or hooking a rug. It's not like I've just been too busy to unpack the clothes and give 'em a wash. In fact, last night I just lay on the couch well after everyone else went to bed. I just needed a little quiet time.

It's been one of those days where I wish that I had accomplished more. I wish I'd cleaned more, or eaten less, or wogged a little, but I didn't. I guess I could get depressed and go eat out the refrigerator, but I saw a quote on Spark People that put everything in perspective:
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson-
Some days it's not what you didn't do that matters - it's what you did do. And as long as I did do something, it's been a good day.
Today's blessings: Laundry finished; Lindley time; Matt the landscaper doing sprinkler work; picking up the Brio table with Maribeth

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