Monday, May 2, 2011

And Then There Was Monday ...

After a spectacular weekend, the inevitable had to happen - Monday came.

It wasn't so bad. I managed to get up too early and make it to butt camp. My half-marathon wogging buddy Karen also made it, so we did our best to stretch out our stiff muscles, still vowing never to do that half-marathon again.

After camp, I went to the post office to use the automated postage machine so I could mail a package. I noticed it was a little slow and should have just left. Instead, I wasted about 20 minutes waiting for the postage to be printed - only to watch the screen turn to a display of "This machine is out of order."

The rest of the morning was spent taking Steve to the airport, packing up the last of Maribeth's stuff and taking it to her house, chatting with Matt about the yard, picking up Lindley and taking her to Pinkberry and watch her eat a small container by herself, and making a Target run with Maribeth.

Now a cold front has breezed through Nashville, causing the temperature to drop. My sinuses have decided to clog up and I'm sleepy. So I'm going to bed - and we'll see if I wake up for butt camp in the morning. There's still a bunch of stuff to get done before we leave on Thursday.

Oh - did I not mention I'm going on vacation on Thursday?
Today's blessings: butt camp and buds; taking Steve to the airport: spending time with Lindley and Maribeth; a little bit of hoiuse cleaning

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