Sunday, July 3, 2011

What I Won't Be Doing On The Fourth

1. Spending the day on the lake. First of all, I have no boat. Second of all, I prefer not to be seen in public in a bathing suit, since I've been on the "eat all you want - it's a cruise" diet. Third, my house still needs cleaning, so why would I want to clutter up a boat, only to have to clean that, too?

2. Going to the swimming pool. I repeat - cruise diet trumps bathing suit. While I'm sure the sight of me on a deck chair in my oversized muumuu might look sexy to some deranged individuals, I really think that it would frighten the kiddos. Yep, that's me - always concerned about others.

3. Drink American beer. Molly tells me this is the thing to do. But since I hate the smell of beer, any beer - American or otherwise, the beer drinking is off. Maybe I'll go have a Sonic milkshake instead. I think there's still a bit of room in the muumuu.

4. Shoot off fireworks. It's illegal in our city. They cost money. With my dexterity, I will probably burn down my house. They're loud and show best at night, and that might impact my bedtime.

5. Go downtown to watch the professional, legal fireworks show. Too many people. Too many hot, sweaty people. Hot July weather. 53-year-old hot-flashin' lady with an attitude. Sounds highly combustible already.

6. Have a big ole' cookout. Big enough already.

7. Run a 5K. Not on this 4th. Not this year. Temperature too hot. And that includes the weather.

So what will I do on the 4th? I'll let you know tomorrow!
Today's blessings: Doughnuts on 7th Avenue; an hour with Gina at Massage Envy; afternoon and Pinkberry with Sam, Lynnette, Lindley, Molly, and Steve

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