Monday, September 19, 2011

Thank You, Mr. Pinkberry

After picking up Lindley at daycare, we made the obligatory Pinkberry visit (it doesn't help that her day care is across the street from Pinkberry). Lindley is fairly unwavering in her choice - original with a cookie or bananas. Today when we went in, there were no cookies or bananas to be had. I didn't think it would be a problem, as Lindley loves her Pinkberry.

I was wrong.

Upon sitting down with her small container of yogurt, Lindley inquired as to the whereabouts of her cookie. Maribeth and I assured her that there were none, and continued to assure her as her queries as to the whereabouts of the cookie increased, as did the volume level. Maribeth and I began sorting out our options - continue to deflect the cookie questions, get some other snacks from her bag in the car, or just leave all together.
At Query DEFCON 5, which involved a pathetic frowny face, lip puckering, eye tearing, and very audible sounds of heart breaking, Mr. Pinkberry (who was busy cleaning the lights) looked over. Much like a lifeguard, he went into action to save a drowning soul. In this case, he went into the back, opened the big box of cookies, pulled out a cellophane sleeve of cookies, and handed two over to Lindley, whose world promptly righted itself.

In the end, it was another example of someone doing something nice. Mr. Pinkberry didn't have to do anything - there were no cookies on today's offerings.

He could have just gone to the back and waited for us to leave. But he didn't. He saw a customer with a need and solved it.

It's great when an employee goes the extra mile for a customer. But it's even nicer when it's just one human being helping another.
Today's blessings: Crazy-early lap walking before butt camp and then "the corner group" butt campers; rainy cool day; pizza lunch with Maribeth; picking up Lindley at day care, then Pinkberry and Elmo

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