Sunday, March 14, 2010

Home Shopping

I read this quote today:
"When you can't have what you want, it's time to start wanting what you have." - Kathleen A. Sutton -
It's a great perspective on looking at the many things with which we surround ourselves. Certainly when we acquired that outfit, or book, or exercise doohickey, or whatever, we simply had to have it. We thought it would make us look better, or seem smarter, or feel healthier. We had the means, and we got the thing we wanted at the time we wanted it.

But somewhere along the line we stopped wanting it. We still possess the thing - so on some level we still must want it. But maybe now we have to cultivate the want. We have to find the reason we are still hanging on to it. It's a whole new way of looking at the stuff we have sitting around. It's certainly an economical way of shopping - in our own home.

So instead of scanning the ads and magazines, we can scour the closets and recesses of our own home. Maybe we can find that object that we had to have once and have now forgotten. Maybe we can find that excitement we experienced when the thing was acquired and begin to use it.

And if not, maybe we can let it go to someone who will be excited to own it. After all, isn't the purpose of having something to want it and enjoy it?
Things that make today great: Brunch with the Ogles, Smiths, and Davidsons; watching MSU Dawgs almost beat Kentucky in SEC Championship game; Cook Molly and her brunch delights; Steve picking up dinner

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