Today Molly and I spent a decade in the car returning from our trip to Nashville. It's amazing how much longer the trip back seems than the trip down. However, we finally made it home, and I wanted to share some of the lessons we learned along the way:
1. Cruise control supposedly helps with your gas mileage. It also helps keep you under the speed limit, especially when the GPS says your average speed is 92 mph.
2. GPS will get you to the nearest Starbucks - but it won't tell if (a) the Starbucks has a drive-through, or (b) the Starbucks is in a Target or Kroger.
3. There are only so many times you can play the Alphabet Billboard Game before your head explodes.
4. Florida has about eighteen gazillion specialty license plates - a problem if you're trying to find all the state license plates and you think you've found a new state, only to find that it a Florida plate.
5. 600 Trivial Pursuit cards will only last a few hours. Clearly not long enough for a complete one-way trip to Florida. Of course, they go even faster when you know the answers to exactly zero of the questions on the cards.
6. In the space of 11 hours, you have the possibility of hearing the same song on the radio at least twice an hour - on different radio stations in different cities in different states. But it only happens to the song you hate most in the world.
7. Eleven hours in the car makes one seriously consider the two terrifying hours spent in an airplane covering the same distance. Both experiences make one consider staying home the most desirable choice.
Things that make today great: long road trip back to Nashy with Molly; Olive Garden with Molly, Lynnette, and Lindley; sleeping in my own bed
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