Sunday, March 27, 2011

How To Numb Your Brain

1. Watch "Sex and the City 2." The sheer stupidity and absurdity of the plot is brain numbing enough, but factor in the costuming and length of the movie, and you have a recipe for a very dull brain. Of course, if you were silly enough to watch the whole thing AFTER reading the reviews (both from professional reviewers and family), then it probably wasn't a far stretch for your pea-sized brain to go completely numb.

2. Watch "The Real Housewives of Orange County." I think that watching any of the various incarnations of this television series would count. Basically, I know of no housewives in any city who would behave as these women do. None of my friends and I get in to verbal or physical fights. None of my friends had full-time nannies to take care of our offspring. Whenever we could get away on vacation (usually to the Thrifty Inn), we felt fortunate to pack one suitcase for three days - not ten. Also, my friends have foreheads and upper lips that actually move and demonstrate expression (and not filled with botoxy or epoxy or whatever the latest thing is). As far as I am concerned, it should be "Housewives from Mars" because these housewives are just that alien to me.

Unfortunately, I did both of the above in a relatively short period of time, so I'm using what brain cells I have left to compose this thought-provoking and provocative blog post. Yeah - if you've done both of the above, then reading this should just about finish you off! Sweet dreams!
Today's blessings: Brunch at Noshville, Starbucks, and playing with Lindley and her parents; getting a few rooms straightened up; lunch and dinner furnished by Molly; sweet cyper-notes from Michelle and Emmie

1 comment:

Denise in PA said...

I will admit to not being able to get through Sex & The City II - I could not finish watching it. So glad for Netflix so I didn't actually "pay" for it! And I also will admit to watching RH of NJ and Beverly Hills. They are like a trainwreck - I just can't stop watching - usually with my mouth hanging open. LOLOLOL!