Friday, March 4, 2011

Vacation Un-Goals

Tomorrow, after the ESPN The Weekend 5K, Steve and I will load up the car with the remaining 600 suitcases/sacks/bags/boxes and head home. Our vacation will be over.

Before I left home, I had a few goals to achieve while on this vacation. Thought I would just catch you up on my progress:

1. Flossing, brushing, and rinsing, oh my! I did all three - at least once during the past two weeks. I don't think I'll be the poster child for good dental habits.

2. Exercise/walk daily - I walked in the parks and in the stores. My exercise consisted of lifting a fork to my mouth. I did complete a 5k and half-marathon, but the real lack of exercise effort will be apparent upon my return to butt camp on Monday. It's not going to be pretty.

3. Eat sensibly. Get real - I overate, period. However, I did not consume one single Mickey bar. Probably because there was absolutely no room left to put that particular delight.

4. Organize all my pictures on my computer - yeah, didn't happen.

5. Redo my Ipod - didn't even make it out of the case.

So, I accomplished none of my goals. I ate too much, bought too much, and had a lot of fun. It all worked out anyhow - now I have a list of things to do once I get back home!!
Today' blessings: First watch with Emily and Jeanne; baseball game and free picture with Steve; picking up 5K stuff; gas station pizza

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