Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lazy Day

In order to recover from the lost hour of sleep last night, I decided to do nothing today. Actually, I didn't decide to officially do absolutely nothing until I had already spent several hours practicing doing absolutely nothing, but I had to practice to see if it would be worth the non-trouble. Trust me - it totally was.

So, just in case you need an absolute lazy day, here are the guidelines:

1. Uniform of the day: Pajamas. Pajama bottoms are required, but a clean t-shirt change is permissible.

2. The clean t-shirt change is permissible because all meals should be consumed in a supine position.

3. Someone has to be the designated runner for take-out, since all forms of cooking are off-limits on lazy day.

4. Some sort of TV marathon watching is a necessity. Today it was "Criminal Minds," but usually there is a marathon of some version of "Law and Order." Or "Sex and the City."

5. The best partner in lazy day is a cat, because cats were created for lazy days. They will cuddle and snuggle and burrow into the blankets, and are great encouragers of such actions in humans.

6. Rainy days make great lazy days because nobody wants to go out in the rain. So if it's not raining on your lazy day, don't look outside. Your head should be under the covers, anyway.

7. And finally, just remember this: anything worth putting off until tomorrow, is worth putting off with gusto!
Today's blessings: brief Molly visit; Applebees dinner furnished by Steve

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