Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Thursday In The Life

This morning I went to get the hairs on my chin laser-ed off. On the way there, the person driving the car in front of me had a particular style of driving. He/she would slow down and put on the brakes, stare at the cross-street road sign, then drive a little more, often drifting toward the center of the road. He/she kept this up for several miles, until eventually the correct street was found and a left turn was made. Hopefully into the correct lane.

I made it to the hair zapping place and pulled Steve's white tank into a parking place. I noticed the car next to me, because I thought its teal color was kind of cool. At least until I noticed the elderly lady in the front passenger seat with her eyes closed. I wondered whether an EMS should be summoned, but then she moved her head and opened her eyes. Guess Granny's taking a nap in the car was preferable to someone who was inside getting some hair zapped.

Once I got inside Zap-It-Now, I listened as Zapper lady told me about her belly pain and her upcoming colonoscopy/endoscopy. And then she explained how she gave herself an enema - step by step. I would have been grossed out, except for the zings that she was applying to my chinny chin chin were sort of claiming my direct attetion.

Granny and the teal car were gone by the time I returned to the white tank - I guess either back to the senior citizen center or to the emergency room. I proceeded to Target, where I purchased a cheap stapler and an even cheaper 3-hole punch. I live large.

Once I returned home, I managed some domestic duties - catching up on facebook and taking a nap. Eventually I made a grocery run, in which I remembered the paltry grocery list I had made but forgot the reusable shopping bags.

Steve and Maribeth made it back from their road trip from Denver and Steve made hamburgers. Now that I'm finished with this, I think I'll go drink a glass of water.

Your Thursday should be so exciting!!
Today's blessings: Cooler morning for butt camp; chin hair zapping; Target and Kroger shopping; Maribeth and Steve's safe trip; Molly stopping by for a chat; Steve's Bubba burgers for dinner

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