Thursday, October 20, 2011

Best Line Heard At Disney Bus Stop


Here are the facts:

1. That line did not come from me. I was just an innocent bystander.

2. The lady who spoke the line in question had spent the better part of the bus wait ignoring her two boys who were running in and out of the waiting crowd and bus stop (right next to the street), so I guess it was not surprising that she also ignored the bus and its illuminated sign advertising where it was going.

3. Even though the bus drove up, stopped, waited for people to board (including Maribeth and me), and waited a little longer, I guess for totally oblivious people like this lady, it was still not obvious enough nor was there enough time for the lady to have her two brain neurons to connect and help her realize that this was indeed the bus she needed to board.

4. As the bus began to pull away from the curb, this crazy line lady ran to the front closed door of the bus and began yelling for the bus driver to wait. She kept yelling this through the door, and then yelled that she had five people to board.

5. The bus driver stopped, the started again, to move back to the curb, which involved also moving forward, to which the crazy lady to start screaming again, thus uttering the deadly baby stroller line.

6. The bus driver stopped the bus again, opened the door, the crazy lady and her family boarded the bus, and then crazy lady decided to play, "I WILL Have the Last Word" with the bus driver. To which she finally huffed and puffed to her seat, talking about how rude the bus driver was, and something else about his attitude and filing a report. In fact, she's probably still carrying on about it now, 12 hours later.

So, the moral of this story is ... forget gun control. PEOPLE HAVE BABY STROLLERS AND ARE NOT AFRAID TO USE THEM!!!!
Today's blessings: Shades of Green bus riders; more eating around the World with Maribeth; female family Epcot drama; Disney bus rider drama; IKEA, outlet, and Red Lobster with Steve and Maribeth

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