Friday, November 18, 2011

Now What Was I Going To Blog About?

I had a really good topic - really, I did. I thought about it earlier today, and had it all planned out. I think it was going to be an Andy Rooney (may he rest in peace) rant about something or the other. I'm sure it was quite witty. Or maybe not. I guess it does't matter, since at this point I have no idea what it was about.

Which brings me to another point, a habit that Maribeth and I decided we should start. Since we can't remember what we did, or whom we did it with (like something will trigger in my brain and I will ask her why is that triggering - what/where/when did we see/do/eat that) and neither of us can remember until we think really hard and eventually can put the pieces together, we decided that we should carry around a video camera and have a video diary of our day. Which of course is ridiculous, since our days are barely a smidge above boring. But at least we would be able to put the pieces together without taxing the teensy memory parts of our brains.

All that sounds well and good, until we remembered that we don't have a video camera anymore, and if we did, the battery would be dead, and if it was charged, then it wouldn't save anything because the memory disk would still be in my computer, where the memory disks are usually stored when I am ready to take a picture with my regular camera. That is, when my regular camera (a) can be found, and (b) has a charged battery.

So, to put this blog post in perspective, I had a brilliant idea, but since the video camera plan had not been put into action, you have been put through this rambling explanation of why you are not reading about it. The brilliant idea, that is.

Ain't modern technology great?
Today's blessings: Wal-Mart-ing with Steve; K-Mart-ing and Taco Bell-ing and clean-sheeting with Molly; phone chatting with Maribeth; seeing Marilyn in the audience at the MSU game in NYC; Lucy's wedding pics; cleaning up dead plants in front yard; getting Nutcracker and Ragtime tix

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