Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Is Coming!!

I am not a Halloween fan.  It's one of those holidays that I see no point celebrating.  Why?  Here's why:

1.  Halloween candy.  If I buy the good stuff, it's gone in an hour.  If I buy the cheap stuff, nobody comes to my door and I have 95 pounds of cheap candy leftover that I have to eat.

2.  Candy corn.  I don't like it.  Invariably, if I buy it, nobody will eat it and I will have it leftover.  Since I only tolerate the orange parts, it's tricky to eat.

3.  Halloween is scary.  I don't like or do scary.  Why?  It's scary!

4.  Trick or treating.  It's part of the scary part.  Because I believe if I don't treat every child that rings my doorbell, I will have 2-year-olds leaving dirty diapers on my doorstep.

5.  Costumes.   The ones in the store are overpriced.  My sewing skills consist of Elmers glue and a stapler.  So basically, my go-to outfits would be (a) ghost (as long as I have a white sheet), (b) hobo (just a quick rummage through the dirty clothes), or (c) business person (choosing which of Steve's suits needs to go to the cleaners next).

6.  Pumpkins.  I am firmly against the needless slaughter of pumpkins for carving.  Especially if you can buy a plastic one at the store.  Which may or may not have Mickey ears already on it.

I would list more, but I think you get the picture.  I am the Grinch of Halloween.  But no matter.  I'll still have the chocolate ready if you ring my doorbell!!
Today was a great day because:  Molly and I went to visit Charity at Sonic and did some retail therapy; Lindley and Everley time; Maribeth picked up JAlex for dinner

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