Friday, October 18, 2013

Questionable Choices Day

Today I decided to have Taco Bell for lunch.  While it seemed like an (insert your own adjective here) idea at  the time, it also seemed like a bad idea.  But I did it anyway.  While the meal (burrito supreme + nachos supreme) was pretty much as I expected, as usual I shall await the aftereffects.

That story being told, I think some days we need to make questionable choices.  Not the kind that would possibly incarcerate you, or cause physical or emotional harm to another, but the kind of choices that you normally refrain from making, because you have your wits about you.  You know, decisions like eating a giant-sized Hershey bar (or two or three) or getting three scoops at Ben & Jerry's.  Or buying the t-shirt that will possibly warrant your children committing you to the looney bin, once they see the shirt on you in public (of course this will be after they explain to you what the shirt actually means/represents).  Or maybe even deciding to attend a spinning/zumba/hula-hooping class (been there, done that).

The point is that some days you just have to let go and give in.  Why?  It's pretty simple - so you won't make that questionable choice again.  I would expand on this, but I need to go find the Tums ...
Today was a great day because: I took Lynnette and KB to the airport; brief stop-by from Molly; beautiful fall day; Steve picking up dinner


Denise in PA said...

I am still regretting the choice of a t-shirt I wore when I was 12 (WHY didn't my family forbid me from buying it at the t-shirt shop at the shore???). And the yoga class I decided to do (on deck) on the cruise - yeah, I still hurt. But, that cheesesteak that my hubby just made for me - now THAT was good! For now. I'm sure I'll regret it later. o:)

Luanne said...

My "workout" intention on the cruise - spinning. Never done it, but I have plans!