Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Maggie, The Guard Cat

Generally, Maggie does not like to be around when Lindley and Everley are over.  Possibly because sometimes they like to chase her.  Maggie's preferred spot is under the covers on my (or any) bed.  The only issue is when Everley or Lindley want to take a nap on that bed and find a huge lump (sometimes purring).  Lindley prefers that the lump be extricated and be put elsewhere - preferably in another county.

So it looks like today Maggie the Cat is getting even.  Instead of guarding Lindley's chair, it might appear that she is considering retaliation for all those times she was rudely awakened from a good nap by a particular four-year-old.  Maggie has that look of "so where's the four-year-old now?"

Luckily for everyone, Lindley was at school and Maggie decided it was beneath her dignity to mark and/or otherwise deface Lindley's chair.  We'll see if the peace talks hold out ...
Today was a great day because:  Four slow miles with KB; sort of rescuing Rambo; Steve's safe travel to Georgia; watching Jeopardy with Maribeth; delivering a package and a little shopping

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