Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Carrots Vs Kicks

So in my never-ending quest to get myself in gear (you know, eat right, exercise, train, be nice, be kind, blah, blah, blah), I am constantly trying to figure out how to get this quest started.  And continuing it as a lifestyle.  So today's conundrum follows the old "chicken vs egg" question in the form of, "What works better - a carrot to inspire you or a kick in the butt to get you going?"

I have tried carrots.  I have promised myself everything under the sun and more.  I have created charts and graphs and diagrams and scenarios and visual aids.  I have made signs and started journals and hung inspiring quotes.  I have gone to meetings, joined clubs, listened to "experts," and read books.  So far it has not been successful.

I have also tried kicks.  I have punished disciplined myself for doing the less-desired things.  I have taken away treats for not accomplishing goals.  I have denied myself, berated myself, and had frank talks with myself.  So far that's not working so well, either.

So what's my resolution?  Simply this - both methods do not accomplish that which I am after.  Both are means to an end and do not necessarily create change.  And while either may encourage action, neither really will get me to my goal of creating the lifestyle I want.

I guess in the end, I just need to Nike - Just Do It.  Then it won't be the carrot or the kick that changed me. It will be all me.
Today was a great day because:  Everley time and sleepover

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