Monday, June 3, 2013

Point A to Point B

Supposedly the fastest way from Point A to Point B is a straight line.  Which makes sense.  On paper.  The real issue is if you are at Point A and want to get to Point B.  How straight the line doesn't matter - what matters is how long the dang line is, and how long it's going to take to get you there.

Then there's the problem with whatever detours, disasters,  and diversions there may be on that straight line.  And whether the straight line is even fun - maybe a different line would be be more exciting and worth the extra time.  Maybe the whole idea from Point A to Point B is not the destination, but the journey.  If that's so, then who the heck cares if a straight line is the fastest way?

All I know is that for me, when I'm at Point A and headed in the direction of Point B, I want to get there.  As in immediately.  Whether it's at the end of a trip and I'm headed home, or at the beginning of a program to get me in shape or to lose weight, I want to be done with it and at the finish line - like right now.  I don't care if it's a straight line or a squiggly line or whatever - I just want to get to Point B.

Which usually leaves me at Point A.  Which is not where I want to be, as in Point B.  So the only solution is to get going - whether it's to step onto the plane, or write out a menu, or do whatever it takes me to get on the path and moving - straight line or not!
The Good Stuff From Today:  Everley time; finishing Lindley's photo book and taking it to her; ordering replacement cards for those lost last week; sweet note from Susanna

1 comment:

Kat said...

Straight lines are boring ;-)