Friday, August 15, 2008

Lessons From A Stalk of Corn

This is my corn crop. There are many remarkable things about my corn crop, the first of which is that I could actually grow corn. Actually, I didn't even plant the corn. This particular stalk has only one ear of corn on it. However, there is something even more remarkable about my corn crop.

My corn crop is growing in my flower bed, right underneath my bedroom window. I don't know how it got started. All I do know is that earlier this week, I saw this big plant growing in my flowerbed, and when I went to yank it up, I saw the sole ear of corn.

Of course, I think God put the corn in this particular spot to teach me a few lessons like:
  • You can grow and thrive in places you don't think will accept you.
  • You may look like something undesirable, but when people see you up close, they see your value and admire your tenacity.
  • You don't have to be a part of a group similar to yourself - you can stand out all by yourself.
  • You don't have to produce something huge - you just have to do what you were created to do.
But I think the most important lesson is this: there are wondrous things everywhere, if you just take the time and look.

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