Sunday, August 24, 2008

Luanne Lewis Davidson

Today is my 51st birthday.

I've tried to think of something profound to say or some story from my life to share, but nothing special came to mind. So I guess I'll just go with what I had planned to say anyway.

I have a blessed life for which I am so grateful. There have been sad parts and bad parts to go with the happy parts and good parts, and through it all I have been blessed. I've been blessed with loving family and friends, unforgettable adventures and escapades, and constant surprises and blessings all along the way. The best part is that there is still so much possibility waiting for me just around the corner.

Life at 51 is good indeed.


Kat said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Luanne!!

Marilyn said...

The fun is just beginning!! Happy Year!

Kat said...

Luanne, I left you a birthday gift over at Ladybugs. I hope you like it!