Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today is Tuesday, June 1 - Isn't It?

The worst thing about Monday holidays is that I spend most of the following Tuesday trying to figure out what day it is. It's sort of like Sunday because Monday seemed like Saturday. But it also seems sort of like Monday because Monday sort of felt like Sunday. I don't know if it would be any easier if I had a job to go to - I would probably still be confused.

It didn't help that today was the first day of a new session of butt camp. I do not know how I can fall so far out of shape in the space of one week - well, it probably has to do with the lack of activity I do in that week off. Anyhow, today was one killer workout - and it was an easy first day!! It was hot, so I sweated and perspired and leaked water from my pores - every one of them. I considered not going - and I reconsidered my decision with every drop I sudated (look it up - I found it on synonym.com) from my person. Molly is sitting this one out, and it would appear that everyone in this boot camp session is physically fit. Even Karen, who has a bum foot, was lapping me as I wogged and she walked around the gym. Anyhow, I went, I attempted, and when it was over, I came home.

Lindley came over for Babysitter's Club, which should be even more confusing, because during June she will attend day care on Mondays, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I will pick her up from day care on those days, so I may never know what day it is.

The hvac dude came today for the spring tuneup of our ac systems. I had forgotten he was coming, because I didn't bother to look at my calendar. Luckily, the lady who is supposed to call and tell me dude is on the way called to say that he was at my house, but he hadn't called her to call me. I was not at home because I was on my way to Quodoba to pick up a nipple set for Lindley's bottles - at four months she has still not learned to drink from a cup - slacker!! Anyhow, by the time lady called, I was on my way back and met dude who pronounced my systems AOK.

I did keep the TV off all day - I had decided I needed to curtail my wasteful TV viewing. It's probably just as well, since I probably would be looking for Law and Order SVU daytime edition, which wouldn't be on because it comes on Mondays, and today is not Monday. Or does it come on Tuesday?

So, in review, today is Tuesday, June 1. At least I think it is. Guess I'd better look at the calendar to see what's on tap for tomorrow.
Things that make today great: BSC and naps with Lindley; Lewis trip saga to NYC; James and Carole on PBS

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