Friday, January 21, 2011

Molly's Toe

This is Molly's broken toe. Yesterday at work while trying to lift a new desk with a co-worker, said co-worker dropped the aforementioned new desk on Molly's toe. After much discussion, stops at medical clinics, two x-rays, and a doctor consult, Molly found out that her toe was indeed broken - in two places. She left the ER with a shoe boot thingy, crutches, and a prescription for significant pain meds.

This was an important event because Molly had a big boo-boo, but also because it's the first broken bone in our family. Somehow we managed to make it through baseball, soccer, softball, and many years of high school tomfoolery without anyone breaking a bone. We've had stitches and tonsillectomies and various ER visits - but no broken bones. Now we get one - and it's not even on our insurance because our baby has her own.

So I guess it's a parenting success that we made it this far without this particular medical emergency. But then again, Molly didn't have her tonsils out until she was 22.

Maybe she should get a chicken pox vaccination ...
Today's blessings: Friday butt camp; lazy Friday; Lindley in her snow sled

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