Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It's supposed to snow tonight - again. It's been raining off and on all day, so I'm rather skeptical of this forecast, despite the weather people, the weather channel, and weather.com. It's not that I don't believe they can do their job. It's just that I've lived in Nashville long enough to know that you never really know what the weather's going to do.

But I'm prepared. I have milk, eggs, and bread, which is apparently the city's snow diet. I have a recipe for snow cream from my friend, Anita. I have a sled for Lindley. I have a mountain of work/cleaning that I need to do, so I have plenty of activities to do inside if the weather is bad outside. And if butt camp is cancelled, I have adequate exercise do-hickeys that I can use to convince myself that I've worked out.

So let the snow come. I no longer teach, so the fact that the school system is out of snow days doesn't faze me. I have no job to get to, so road conditions are of little interest. My children are grown, so I don't have to be concerned with their boredom with another snow day away from school.

However, whatever snow we may get needs to skedaddle before Thursday, because I've got a plant ticket for Miami. And it certainly won't be snowing there!
Today's blessings: 3-mile walk with Maribeth in the neighborhood; picking up Lindley from day care; brief Molly visit

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