This morning's race started at 10am - a wonderful time of the day to start a race (compared to the usual 5:30am start for many Disney races). Steve, Molly, KB, and I grabbed the ponchos (yes, it was still raining) and headed to the start. Yes, our team name is Udderly Doikers - part Springdoik (the name of our house) and part Udderly Pink - the perfect combination!
The object of this race is simple - you are given a clue book and a map, and your team runs all over Disney's Wide World of Sports following the clues and solving them, and marking off places on the map. When you've solved all the clues, you create the final clue by connecting different spots, forming an arrow to the final clue. You run to the track, show your final answer, and then run around the track to the finish line. It's really a lot of fun, although a bit taxing when it's raining, since the clue book and map are made out of paper, and don't do so well in the rain. Nevertheless, we finished and got our medals and headed back to the resort to dry off. Again.
And who is today's race in honor? My Disney volunteer friend Aisling. In the picture, she's the one in the black shirt, white cap, and kids races medals on her arm. Everley's the one headed toward Goofy. I first met Aisling several years ago when Disney had a PGA golf tournament, and I was on Aisling's volunteer team. She volunteers for all the Run Disney events, and every time we show up for one, she's there. Sometimes I see her on the road as I trudge toward the unseen finish line. Sometimes I see her just after we pass the TTC at the Magic Kingdom. Sometimes I see her handing out medals. But no matter where I see her, there's one thing I can always count on - her amazing exuberance and encouragement as we pass her. She's as excited as anyone could be and cheering all the runners on as if we were all her dearest and bestest buds. She's one of the reasons Disney races are the best and she truly exemplifies the spirit of the volunteers who do so much for the participants. I know for me, her infectious enthusiasm and smile gets me going down the route - for however many more hours I may have! So thanks Aisling - see you in October!!
Today was a great day because: Everest Family Edition with Steve, KB, and Molly; Hollywood studios and 50s Diner and Toy Story Mania with Molly and KB; special Mickey ears
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