Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I Guess Winter's Over ...

Remember the days when I fussed and complained about how cold it was?  And how I didn't do well in cold?  Now it's time for the second verse, or how I don't do well in hot.

Technically, it's not hot - yet.  It's just getting hot enough for the air conditioning debate - is it hot enough to turn it on.  For me, turning on the a/c is waving the white flag of defeat - it means sweat season is here.  It means the days will be rare when we open all the windows in the house and let the breeze blow through.  It means it will be nice and chilly inside and hot and sweltering outside.  It means I will become fully aware of exactly how many sweat glands I have in this body.

But we're not there yet.  I'm just reading the signs that summer is on its way.  These days the windows are open and we're getting a cool spring breeze.  At night I go to bed (windows closed) considering turning on the a/c because it's a little warm (haven't given in yet - at least downstairs).  And I've taken off the heating mattress pad - the biggest sign yet!

Yeah, I remember those cold days of just a few months ago.  I still see evidence of the cold weather - a few dead shrubs in my backyard.  I still remember bundling up.  And I still remember dreaming of warmer weather.

And so it's here.  Dreams do come true. 
Today was a great day because:  babysat the duct cleaners at MB's house; beautiful May day

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