Thursday, May 15, 2014

Just The Facts ...

1.  My house is sorta clean.  By that I mean the toilets are clean and you generally will not be falling over stuff trying to get to the bathroom.

2.  Molly's early birthday party is in the books.  Even though I bought smoked turkey instead of chicken and Molly had to go get chicken to remedy the situation and therefore prepare her own birthday dinner.

3.  I am leaving town tomorrow for a series of trips.  I haven't packed yet.  I don't know what to pack.  I do have a pile of 6 shirts sitting on the bed.  I have yet to take the suitcase out of the closet.

4.  I will not be back in town until June 2.  I will be visiting in some way or another, the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Vancouver, Sitka, Juneau, Ketchikan, and Skagway.  I'm taking a swimsuit.

5.  My goal is to pack everything in a carry-on suitcase.  Including washer/dryer combo sheets that are probably at least three years old.

6.  My flight leaves at 9:10 am tomorrow morning.  I have plenty of time to unload the dishwasher and dryer and put away their contents.  And then finish packing.  Before or after I get a shower and wash my hair and then dry it and then flat iron it.

7.  I think I'll just go to bed now ...
Today was a great day because:  Molly's family birthday party; picking up Everley at school; Lindley and Everley time

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